Clear Lake High School Orchestra Blog
The 2010-2011 Clear Lake High School Orchestra Audition Music is now available for all students, parents, and teachers to download.
CCISD Press Release
Clear Creek Independent School District
Office of Public Information
2425 East Main Street
League City, Texas 77573
Contact: Janice Scott, Public Information Assistant Director
(281) 284-0030 or
September 10, 2008
6:08 PM
League City – Due to the threat of high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Ike the Clear
Creek Independent School District will close schools on Thursday and Friday. All extracurricular
activities and athletic events are cancelled.
It is difficult to pinpoint where a storm is going to make landfall and the best we can do is be prepared and informed. With more than 36,000 students and 4,000 employees spanning 13 municipalities and
2 counties, the District’s number one priority is communication and keeping everyone safe.
With the uncertainty of where the storm is headed please check the District’s website at or call our community phone line at 281-284-0027 in the event there is a change in
plans. Both the website and the phone line will be updated with the most current information
regarding the status of Clear Creek ISD.