Red and Blue
Cheats- Can't beat the game and you want to cheat? Or, your just curious and want to ind out some cheats? Well then you've come to the right place! All the cheats in OnlinePkmn are a confirmed so there are no cheats that dont work.
Tm's & Hm's- Dont know where a TM or HM is located? Well, this page has list of all the technical and hidden machines in the game and how much they cost, their location, and the skill. Very useful if you need to know like how much a TM costs and where its located.
Walkthru- Are you saving up money to buy other things and can't buy the strategy guide for the Pokémon Red & Blue Version? Well, heres a walkthru that will tell you what you need and what you have to do and also some advice on how to beat the game!
Pokédex- If you wnat to know when a certian monster evolves or how long until it learns that next skill then this is the place that you should click to go to! This complete Pokédex tells you where to find each monster and what skills you can teach them!
Items- As you travel through the world of Pokémon, you'll encounter numerous items, many of which ae crucial to completing your quest. If you find yourself stuck because you can't find somthing, or wondering what certian items can do, talk a look at this page.