Welcome to DiversityFIRST™, your premier workplace diversity advocate. DiversityFIRST.org is the central hub for all programs and initiatives under the DiversityFIRST™ banner. We believe in implementing and sustaining workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives to continue to make the workplace a safe, equal, and productive place for professional development. DiversityFIRST™ is committed to helping organizations achieve success by leveraging the full potential of their human resources by providing a broad range of high quality, practical and cost-effective diversity management products and services. These programs include consulting services, job opportunities through an online job bank, webinars and diversity related research.
DiversityFIRST™ diligently works to bring diversity and inclusion to all organizations across the country and believes that organizations benefit the most when their leadership reflects the community they serve.
DiversityFIRST™ has several programs designed to help minority groups obtain and maintain meaningful jobs within various organizations. Through networking, sourcing, research, job postings and internships, DiversityFIRST™ hopes to build a strong base for job seekers to work from in order to get the job they’ve always dreamed of.
Get Involved
The work of DiversityFIRST™ and the National Diversity Council couldn't go on without the support and contributions of the communities they serve. Any pledge of support is greatly appreciated and will help continue our mission to advocate for further workplace diversity and equality.