Monday, 9.17.01 @ 10:52PM CST by Webmaster |
Falling...Falling...Falling! |
Wow, I just went over to Yahoo Buzz and Lycos Top 50. Dragbonall Z isn't doing very well down there in 15th place and 8th place. You can check out what searches overpowered Dragonball Z under DBZ Stats on our menu bar. |
Monday, 9.17.01 @ 10:21PM CST by Webmaster |
I'm Still Here... |
Well I havent updated In A While (9 days) because of school. Hopefully I'll be able to tomorrow because I am getting out of school at 1:00PM instead of 4:00PM. |
Monday, 9.03.01 @ 10:49PM CST by Webmaster |
Second Bar Added! |
Well I finally added A Second Navigation bar scince the one and only menu bar was making every single page too long. Well if you have any ideas on what to put on the second navigation bar then fell free to tell me! |
Monday, 9.03.01 @ 10:20PM CST by Webmaster |
Testing Looks... |
If you see somthing different on some of the pages it means I'm still adding the new top image so don't start complaining etc. |
Sunday, 9.02.01 @ 6:52PM CST by Webmaster |
Delays, Delays, Delays... |
has announced that the Frieza: Desperation DVD will be
rescheduled to release on Setp. 18 instead of Sept. 4.
due to the distributer delays. Thats 4 days late! They
also said that no other delays are expected. Sure..well see if there are "no other expected delays" |
Monday, 8.13.01 @ 4:12PM CST by Webmaster |
No More DBZ, On Kids WB |
Well I'm watching Toonami right now 4:00 to 4:30 and now they said that next will be Batman Beyond. So you know what that means. No more DBZ on Kids WB! |
Saturday, 8.11.01 @ 6:12PM CST by Webmaster |
Chris Sabat Chat Log |
Just in case you missed the Celebrity Chat with Christopher Sabat on Thursday, I have a log of the whole chat thanks to To view it, Click Here |
Monday, 8.06.01 @ 12:00AM CST by Webmaster |
Celebrity Chat |
Here's A Little Somthing Intersting From Celebrity Chat is officially
here! This Thursday, August 8, you can chat with Chris
Sabat, voice of Vegeta, Piccolo and Yamcha. This is your
chance to have Chris personally answer your questions.
The chat will take place on Thursday from 6 -7 pm EST.
Make sure you get your seat early because the room only
holds 500 people. The chat world has been completely
redesigned for your enjoyment. If you have never chatted
here or have not chatted in awhile, login to Club Z (non
Club Z members will need to register for the official DBZ
fan club before chatting), click on Live Chat, chose your
preferred method of chatting, click Go Chat and you will
be blasted into the coolest chat world in cyberspace. you have your 3 questions ready to be answered on Thursday? |
Sunday, 8.05.01 @ 11:14PM CST by Webmaster |
WB Schedule For This Week |
is A little late but Here Are The DBZ Episodes that will
be airing on Kids WB This week. Mon, Aug 6 @ 4:30 pm - "The End of
Snake Way" Wow, now WB is even going to show DragonballZ on Saturdays! Well I'd like to thank Saiyanz-Rage For this Information. |
Friday, 8.03.01 @ 6:24PM CST by Webmaster |
DBZICMart DVD's Added |
you were waiting, the DBZ DVD's are now here! I was
dissapointed tough that Amazon only had 20 DVD's on sale
AND only like 3 are in stock. the Rest are all sold out.
Hopefully they will all be in stock soon. Today WB showed the best episode this week. (My opinion) "Faith In A Boy", where Goku gives up and tells Gohan to fight Cell. |
Friday, 8.03.01 @ 12:43PM CST by Webmaster |
New Table! |
I just finshed making a new table for the DBZ Episode List and it looks great! (Even tough it's not finished) Go check it out by Clicking Here now! Just in case you didn't know today WB is showing Faith In A Boy at 4:30CST. It should already be starting if you live on the East side of the US. I have to wait 4 more hours here! |
Wednesday, 8.01.01 @ 10:11PM CST by Webmaster |
News Archived |
today I archived all the news before today into the news
archive which can be found Here. Just in case you didn't know, Kids WB
are going to be showing another week of DragonballZ
including a DragonballZ movie on Friday. Below is this
weeks and next weeks schedule. We have no conformation
what episodes and movies are going to be shown. The
Episodes in Gray mean that they've
already been shown. Kid's WB Toonami Schedule Mon, Aug 5 @ 4:30 pm -
"Dragonball Z" Today, WB showed "Laboratory Basement". It's about Trunks and Krillin destroying Dr. Gero's lab and Piccolo explaining to Vegeta, Tien, Trunks, and Krillin who and what Cell is. It didn't have any fighting at all so I didn't really like it that much. Hopefully tomorrow's episode "Super Vegeta" will be better. |
Tuesday, 7/31/01 @ ?:??PM CST by Webmaster |
Today I made a login page for the
DBZICMail. Its located at So now instead
of coming here or going to you can go
there. It loads much faster and is also organized. I also updated all the Characters in the Character Bios section with more detailed information. Their all not finished but so far they have a pretty good amout of information. Just in cause you didn't know today Kids WB showed Home For Infinite Losers. Its where Goku falls off Snake Way while sleeping and how he gets back up by beating one of the the orges at racing. Tomorrow they will show "Laboratory Basement" at 4:30CST. Today FUNimation released 3 New DVD's. The Draw, Black Out, and Death Of A Prince. |
Monday, 7/30/01 @ 6:34PM CST by Webmaster |
Toonami Schedule |
here is something intresting that I got from Below is the schedule for the 5 episodes
that are going to be airing on Kids WB. Kid's WB Toonami Schedule Also, the mail has been down for about 3 days so if you e-mailed me in the past couple of days please wait a while till the mail is back up. If it's important e-mail it to |
Monday, 7/30/01 @ 5:06PM CST by Webmaster |
Toonami On Kids WB! |
today Toomani on Kids WB showed 1 episode of DragonballZ
Gohan's Metamorphsis at 4:30PM CST. The episode was about
Gohan surviving in the wild and when he transforms into
an Ape for the first time. Piccolo had to destroy the
moon to make Gohan a Saiyan again. And it also showed
Master Roshi telling what happened to Gohan and Goku.
Goku, getting killed by Piccolo and Gohan taken by
Piccolo to train for preperation of the Saiyans. This morning at 5:00AM I kinda of changed up the menu bar by adding the Character and Battle Guide. The Character Guide includes: Character Bios, Races, Name Puns, and Saiyan Levels which was just added today. The Battle Guide Includes: Deaths, Fusion Info, Powerlevel Listings, and Techniques. Hopefully Toonami will show somthing better tomorrow on Kids WB. Like somthing from the Cell Saga instead of the Saiyan. |
Wednesday, 7/27/01 @ 11:45AM CST by Webmaster |
MP3's and Movie Guide Added |
added 3 Mp3 songs yesterday so you can download them Here. There: English
Chala Head Chala, English Rock The Dragon, and Japanese
We Gotta Power. Well today I added The History Of Trunks Special Guide located Here. And thats basicly all for today! C-ya! |
Wednesday, 7/27/01 @ 11:45AM CST by Webmaster |
Song Lyrics Added |
I made a new page called Song Lycrics which has the words to all the
DragonballZ songs. So far I only have 1 for the English
version but I will add more later. Yesterday and the day before yesterday I added 45 new backrounds to the Backrounds page so go check that out too |
Wednesday, 7/25/01 @ 6:40PM CST by Webmaster |
New Backrounds Added... |
Well I added 20 new backrounds of Gohan and I'll probally ad more later tonight. I your wondering wh I wasent updating, I was at a summer camp for 4 days. So thats the reason! |
Wednesday, 7/20/01 @ 10:24PM CST by Webmaster |
How Sad And Stupid... |
I just had some guy sign my guestbook saying that I
copied off Planet Namek! How rediculious. And guess what?
He even wrote it twice! The first time saying that he was
"Grey" and the second being "Doug".
How do I know? Well I tracked down his IP addresse. Just
if your courious its And I'll tell you that
I never copied off Namek. Is the layout the same as
Namek? Heck No Menu Bar? Hel* No. Two navigation bars for
Namek and one for me? Do they have a little "Site
Update" box at the very top? No again! Do I Have The
Same Poll? No Once Again! And There are a Lot More No's
If You Keep Comparing! And even If I did copy I'd at
least link to their site just like the Top News part on
the menu bar. I have a From: and it links to
Namek! So who ever the Fuc* you are Grey+Doug=ga*as$ shut
the fuc* up and do not ever sign my guestbook twice with
two different names thinking that I will not know!
Because I WILL! Well, I just had to mention that ( = I feel much better. Now that I have taht out of teh way, I've updated the DBZGT Links page by adding some official Dragonball sites. I also updated the Techniques page. |
Wednesday, 7/18/01 @ 11:57PM CST by Webmaster |
New Layout For Namek... And More... |
you haven't gone yet go to and check out there new layout!
Planet Namek is one of the most popular DBZ sites on the
net! I've Also added a New Page Called Name Puns which is quite humorous. It tells what all the DBZ Character names mean. Some Of Them are real and some are made up for fun. I also updated other pages but I'm not sure which ones. Tomorrow if I have time I'll add 68+ backrounds in the Picture Gallery which I got today. Also some other news, DBZ will be airing on the WB Network starting July 30, 2001 on 4:30PM for 1 week showing DBZ Episodes. They might change the time around so im not 100% clear on that yet. Now all you people who don't have cable can now watch DBZ on WB instead of Cartoon Network! |
Wednesday, 7/11/01 @ 6:54PM CST by Webmaster |
Picture Gallery |
Well right now I'm working on the picture gallery trying to fill it up with as many pictures as possible! And I also got a new and better guesbook so don't forget to sign it! You can Click Here to sign and view it if you like. I also would appreciate it if you clicked the very bottom banner on this page. It would help us a lot! |
Wednesday, 7/04/01 @ 5:47PM CST by Webmaster |
Happy Fourth Of July! |
Happy Fourth Of July Everyone! Make sure you don't burn yourself lighting those firecrackers! Well, If you havent noticed, I added that little box above this update a while ago that lists what got updated a certian day so that I won't have to use this update. I also updated the Saiyan Saga Episode Guide today. Well, C-ya! |
Tuesday, 6/21/01 @ 5:47PM CST by Webmaster |
Site Updates and New Products |
If you havent been to our DBZMart go now! We currently have all the VHS's from the Namek and Saiyan Sagas. We also have all 3 T.V Specials on sale right now! I just added some Frieza saga VHS's that you can buy today. I also updated the Attacks and Powelevels page. Thats all for today! |
Tuesday, 6/20/01 @ 6:44PM CST by Webmaster |
New Pages, New Lines! |
I added a DBZ Races page which shows information on all the Races in DBZ. So far I have the Humans, Nameks, and Saiyans. I'll add Andriods later. Also, I can't seem to upload the Full Episodes but I'll work on it. So whenever I'm done I'll tell you! I've also added the new backround on the menu bar and the update format which has all these lines with black backround. I also updated the Release dates at the left side. Well thats all for today! |
Tuesday, 6/19/01 @ 9:10AM CST by Webmaster |
Full Episodes Coming Soon! |
Well, I've decided to add Full Episodes now! But first I have to upload them and that will take a while. Their both about 16MB each. Episodes 131 and 132. They should be uploaded either by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So keep checking back to see! |
Tuesday, 6/18/01 @ 5:12PM CST by Webmaster |
New News Update Format And Pages! |
Well, Well this is the new news updating format that we will use! I've added new products for the DBZMart VHS's. The Saiyan and Namek Sagas are complete and so are the T.V Specials. I've also added ASCII Art that you can view! I also added some pics of Gohan a couple days ago just incase you didn't notice. |
Site Maintained
By Webmaster
© 2001 (Hosted By Lycos Tripod)
Ball Z images and characters © 2000, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei
Animation. Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Inc. All Rights