jordan bredthauer

Jordan has always known event planning was where she was meant to be. Upon graduating from Texas A&M University with a degree in Marketing, she moved to Chicago where she helped execute and plan one of NBC Sports biggest events, The Dew Tour. Missing her friends and family back home, Jordan moved back to Houston and was engaged a month later. From there came her love of weddings. Once she began planning her own wedding, she saw just how much creativity, work, and joy went into an event. After her wedding was over, she didn’t want the fun to stop and joined the Belle of the Ball team. Jordan loves the elegance of planning. Her attention to detail and organization is what makes her such a great asset to the team. She loves how each event and wedding is unique in their own right. Her wish is for each client’s dream event to come to life in a stress-free yet unforgettable way. She believes the planning portion of the event should be just as enjoyable as the event itself!

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